Dr Nkrumah


African Afforestation Association.e.V www.aaa-green-africa.org and Meedoen/Himi https://www.himi.nI/meedoen organizations based in Europe propose to make available the opportunity to invest small up to large amounts of money into Dr Kwame Nkrumah Green Africa Re-Afforestation project.
AAA .e.V. Shall plant trees in return 200,000 trees which will show on Google maps as image of the world around admired Dr Kwame Nkrumah.
An area of 20 0000 hectares will be transformed in a diverse Forest, and the investors would check their contribution by looking on the Google maps day in day out here you find the link;
Until now Human activities and subsistence farming methods have resulted in turning most of African’s rich forests into Desert and manmade deserts. Afriacan created millions of Hectares of wasteland over the last 200 years.
Over 75% of Africa’s land is degraded, and the solution to reversing this trend lies in the hands of the world at large. Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be part of that generation.
As the life of the world’s great heroes draws to a close, it provides an important opportunity to reflect back on Nelson Mandela’s long and courageous life in order to draw inspiration of Climate Change.


While climate change was not the issue that defined Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s Long Walk to Freedom, a reflection on Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s philosophy and life reveals a profound overlap with the principles and commitments of the climate justice movement, and therein lies many important lessons not only for the climate community but for humanity as a whole to learn from.
As we figure out how to respond to this crazy climate predicament we are in, reflecting on the life and struggles of Dr Kwame Nkrumah can provide many important lessons as to how we make the seemingly impossible possible and become Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s great generation, remembering , in the words of Nelson Mandela, that “it always seems impossible until it’s done.
The African Afforestation Association e.V. with the Groasis Technology developed an inexpensive sustainable solution to plant degraded and eroded land with trees called Waterboxx technology Both organisations propose to plant 200 000 tress within 10 years as Dr Kwame Nkrumah Legacy to fight against Global Warming and Climate Change Initiative.
The Waterboxx technology acts as a shield for the water in the upper ground, and this water then spreads down and out instead of being drawn to the surface and evaporated. Both temperature and humidity beneath and inside the box are more stable night and day than without. The Waterboxx uses over 90% less water and results in survival rates in excess of 90%.